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Who is an "At Risk" Worker for Covid 19?

Getting Ready to Get Back to Work or Finally Have a Minute to Breathe?

As some businesses are still at work (AT WORK) and others at home - some are considering (and soon will be allowed) to go back to their workplace. 

Others finally have a minute spare and might need to play a bit of catch up for some of the basics!

Where you sit - we have been told by the Australian Government we need to meet the Covid 10 Golden Rules which are pretty vague & pretty tricky - so we did an interpretation document - The De-Code to try and explain all the requirements!

One of the aspects we need to consider is who a worker be "At Risk" at work. 

What does this mean - What is "At Risk Worker" about Covid-19?

Some workers may be higher risk to Covid-19 than others and as an employer we have to make sure we don't put workers at risk at work.

Some people who catch Covid-19 can get really sick (these are "At Risk" People) and some things make people more "At Risk" than other workers.

Who Can Be "At Risk"?

Worker is Directly "At Risk"

According to the medical professionals - so please don't take any of these things personally if this is you! These people are classed as High Risk or At Risk of Covid-19 if they catch it - it is very likely they can get very ill and maybe even pass away from catching the disease.

As an Employer, colleague or friend, nobody I know wants to make another person so sick or even so sick that they pass away.

BUT there is a lot of people in the workplace who are "At Risk"

If you are any of these categories or any of your workers are - you are "At Risk" and need to complete a Risk Assessment before entering the workplace - legal and ethical decision must be considered and the BEST option might be not working at work but working another way remotely; if you can not do that additional considerations and measures in consultation with the persons medical professional must be taken before the worker returns to the usual workplace.

People who are "At Risk" of Covid 19

  • Anyone 70 years or Older 

If 70 years and under and one of the following:

  • problems with your spleen – for example, sickle cell disease or if you have had your spleen removed
  • being seriously overweight (a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or above)
  • those who are pregnant
  • people who have received an organ transplant and remain on ongoing immunosuppression medication
  • people with cancer who are undergoing active chemotherapy or radiotherapy
  • people with cancers of the blood or bone marrow such as leukaemia who are at any stage of treatment
  • people with severe chest conditions such as cystic fibrosis or severe asthma (requiring hospital admissions or courses of steroid tablets)
  • people with severe diseases of body systems, such as severe kidney disease (dialysis)

Any party with any of these conditions need to declare this and you as an employer need to make some decisions with them and their doctors about their employment safety and conditions. 

Worker is an Indirect "At Risk" Party - The Worker is Fine BUT.....

What does this mean?

If a worker is AOK not any of these categories BUT their Family Member (Child, Husband, Wife, Partner, Flat Mate) is "At Risk" - the same issue applies.

As an Employer, colleague or friend, nobody I know wants to make another persons loved one so sick or even so sick that they pass away - also some pretty serious legal ramifications we do not want to get into here!

But My Staff Members Have Never Told Me Any Of This Kind of Stuff Why Would I Even Check?

People live their lives!

Not every staff member - much to our fears and current realities sometimes - bring their troubles and personal life to work - no not all staff!

In this case you need to ASK!

You need to make a safe place where you can ask workers to tell you this stuff!

If a worker is high risk next steps must be taken!

How Many People Would be "At Risk" Anyway?

Wow we made some graphs - each statistics is from reputable sources and some people may suffer more than one condition but...if these statistics doesn't make you look just a little...well there really is little hope for you or your workers...


 We have designed a form to help you get back to it!



ABS[email protected]/Lookup/by%20Subject/4364.0.55.001~2017-18~Main%20Features~Chronic%20conditions~25[email protected]/mf/3301.0[email protected]/Lookup/by%20Subject/4364.0.55.001~2017-18~Main%20Features~Diabetes%20mellitus~50[email protected]/Lookup/by%20Subject/4364.0.55.001~2017-18~Main%20Features~Kidney%20disease~65 


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